Covid-19 Update as at 25 March 2020:
As mentioned in earlier correspondence, the wellbeing of our Team and the Community is our absolute priority, especially duringthese challenging times.
Following the announcement by our Government to impose a lockdown in a bid to contain the spread of the Coronavirus, we advise that all of our team are currently working from home and in compliance with the Lockdown, will remain working from home pending the Government decision to allow everyone back out in the Community.
Although we will still be working behind the scenes on organising materials, contractors etc to ensure a quick and smooth transition once it is safe to return, the Lockdown means that we are temporarily unable to continue with the site progress on your new home.
Please be assured that whilst this is not how any of us planned for 2020 to start, we take this threat to our Community very seriously and are committed doing whatever we can to help stamp it out as quickly as possible so we can all get back to normality.
Furthermore, we are offering walkthroughs/professional 3D renders for free temporarily during the Cover-19 crisis, for new clients who commence their build with us. Feel free to have a look at an example here.
Contact our New Home Consultants directly:
Mark Rickwood: 027 5280264 [email protected]
Hayley Ryan: 027 333 1003 [email protected]
Anna Brown: 027 780 0488 [email protected]
In the meantime, feel free to check out our promotions. Our Restaurant Giveaway promotion has been extended due to the lockdown.
We thank you for your continued support and we will keep you updated as best we can.
Kind regards,
Mike and Esther Bonne
Owners – Hallmark Homes